How to open an advertising agency from scratch?
It often happens that a person becomes in front of a certain stone, as in a good Russian fairy tale about the hero Ilusha Muromts. But in the modern performance,…

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Open a private detective agency
One of the most profitable areas of business experts now call the service industry. It includes detective work. Opening a detective agency does not necessarily require the presence of legal…

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How to open an online casino
Everyone has long known that excitement is one of the strongest driving forces of man. What first comes to mind at the mention of this word? Of course, the casino.…


How to open a gift shop
Today we will talk about how to open your gift shop and souvenirs. What are the advantages of this business? First, the type of goods. Any souvenir and gift products…


but again

How to advertise a small business on the Internet?

Small business due to limited resources and specialized knowledge often approaches the Internet promotion haphazardly. Some create a beautiful landing page, others focus on the site, others due to lack of money and time to develop a website or the banal need for it develop a group in social networks. Such a point approach is, to a certain extent, effective, but in order to unlock the reserves, an integrated approach is needed – simultaneously using different platforms and different advertising channels. The question arises: is there enough resources? The answer is: Enough. But only if you select the appropriate advertising tools and properly organize the work.
Services do not work? Continue reading

How to create your own business and where to start is the main stages in building a successful business

How to start your own business? This question is interesting for many start-up entrepreneurs. And it is quite reasonable, because life is short, so you need to realize your plans, while you have the strength and desire.
How to start your own business?
You need to start your business from the moment when there is a desire to work for yourself. And only then engage in the search for a partner (if necessary) and the preparation of a business plan. Continue reading

How to raise sales

Sell ​​not the properties, but the benefits of your product.
“People buy things not for the sake of the things themselves, but for the sake of what these things give them.” Dan Kennedy.
Many people know an example from Kotler’s marketing “bible” about holes and drills. When people buy a drill, they don’t need the drill itself. They need holes in the wall. The result, not the tool itself.
Remember once were slide rules and scores? With the advent of calculators, they disappeared from the market. It turned out that people do not need a slide rule or score. They need the ability to quickly calculate. Continue reading

How to calculate the profitability of the enterprise
Being engaged in business, it is important to understand how your activity is effective. It is impossible to determine by this profit margin alone. After all, in order to make…


How can an entrepreneur get rid of decadent thoughts?
1. Do not leave the production. If you turned your hobby into a business, and the company began to grow rapidly, you most likely do not have to do your…
