How to sell a business
For many people, a “do-it-yourself” business is an integral part of their life, and the idea that an enterprise can move on to another owner leads them into serious confusion.…

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Production of bio fireplaces as a business
There are three things that you can watch forever: how a person works, how water flows and how fire burns. For a long time fire remains for man the most…

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Seven ways to increase the credibility of the site or online store
1) Customer Reviews The most banal thing - the availability of reviews from existing customers. If we are talking about an online store, then it may be reviews that will…


Tchibo success story
Being a successful specialist in the field of retail sales means knowing exactly how to properly position a customer for a purchase. Atmosphere and aesthetics - these are the two…



Flower Shop Business Plan

Opening a flower shop is a beautiful and sophisticated business. After all, every day you will have to deal with all this fragrant beauty! Yes, and this business can be called profitable: large investments are not required, and the demand for fresh cut flowers is always high.
Practically not one holiday is complete without presenting flowers as a gift. If you are going to open a flower shop in a big city, just imagine how many potential customers you may have.
For a more accurate understanding of this business, you can find an example of a business plan for a flower shop. Continue reading

We open a shop for artists

Many people, who are just starting their first business, prefer ideas aimed at a wide audience of consumers. A business with a narrow specialization causes some fear and uncertainty that there will be a sufficient number of customers.
For example, opening a store for artists. One would immediately think that there are not so many artists, and such a business will not bring much profit. However, this is not at all the case. Even a highly specialized business can be a profitable start to your own business, since you know exactly who your client is and what he needs.
A store for artists, indeed, is aimed at a rather narrow circle of consumers, if as the latter we mean only professional craftsmen. Continue reading

Production of bio fireplaces as a business

There are three things that you can watch forever: how a person works, how water flows and how fire burns. For a long time fire remains for man the most mysterious and untamed object. People want to have a piece of this mystery in their home, so fireplaces are gaining more and more popularity. But installing a fireplace is quite an expensive service. In addition, to install it, you will need certain permits and mandatory coordination with the fire services. Today there is a great alternative – biofireplace, because it can be installed almost anywhere and get a live fire without odors and smoke. The chimney is not needed; the only condition is a well-ventilated room. The advantages of this type of fireplaces also include their environmental friendliness, ease of maintenance and basic installation. Continue reading

Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, it is impossible not to recognize that this company is truly revolutionary…


Does business need a blog?
A blog is an online diary (or as it is sometimes called, a journal) in which some records, thoughts, articles, and multimedia files are constantly added. Compared to a regular…
