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Pharmacy business

Pharmacy business is becoming more attractive area of ​​activity. Despite the high competition in this industry, many entrepreneurs choose exactly the pharmacy business, and this is fully justified. The main product of pharmacies – namely, drugs – has always been and will be in demand among the population of very different levels of wealth.
However, for a successful business it is not enough just to open a pharmacy and start selling medicines. It is important to study the many features of this field of activity and correctly apply them in practice.
Now there are several options for the pharmacy business. You can directly open a pharmacy, or you can a pharmacy or pharmacy. The difference between the pharmacy and the pharmacy is not big, but it is. The first is a full-fledged pharmacy that sells various medicines and medical products, as well as manufactures dosage forms according to doctors’ prescriptions. And the second is a more focused institution, which sells most often only drugs, and then the most common ones.
A pharmacy point is a pharmacy, which is located on the territory of various medical and medical institutions (polyclinics, hospitals, dispensaries, hospitals). In principle, each of these types of pharmacy business is available for most start-up entrepreneurs, and can bring substantial income with proper organization. Today we will talk more about pharmacies, but the following information is also applicable to other types of pharmacies.
Pharmacy is a rather specific business, because it implies contact with various drugs, including dangerous and narcotic drugs. Therefore, before opening a pharmacy, you will need a certain set of documents that will be thoroughly checked. Time for their registration may take more than you expect. The longest procedure is obtaining a license. In general, it is possible to keep within the period of about 2 months, however, for some inexperienced entrepreneurs, the cherished piece of paper was on hand only six months after the application was submitted.
To open a pharmacy you need to issue the following documents:
1. A license to carry out pharmaceutical activities (to obtain it, you must submit to the appropriate authority an application for obtaining a license, a copy of constituent documents, a check on payment of a license fee, a specialist certificate). If you opened a pharmacy and then decided to expand the business by opening pharmacy kiosks, re-obtaining a license is not required;
2. The certificate from the sanitary epidemiological station and the fire service that the premises under the pharmacy meet all the requirements;
3. The lease agreement and its approval in the medical association of your city;
4. “Passport” of the pharmacy, designed according to the standard template;
5. A document confirming that the pharmacist has the appropriate qualifications;
6. Declaration of intent to open a new institution.
As in any other business, a pharmacy needs clients first of all. Therefore, choosing the location of the future pharmacy, pay attention to crowded streets and places of large crowds of people – metro stations, shopping centers and so on.
The lack of nearby other pharmacies will also play a role. Often, pharmacies open on the first floors of residential buildings, which is quite reasonable: if the pricing policy is acceptable, people will go to the pharmacy that is closest to their home.
Optimal conditions for doing business should be created in the room itself: ventilation, lighting, and proper temperature conditions, etc., should be maintained. Requirements are made to the minimum size of pharmacies – the room must be at least 12 square meters.
For the operation of the pharmacy does not require any specific equipment. The main thing is to create optimal conditions for the storage of medicines and convenient conditions for selling them to customers. Therefore, the pharmacy must be equipped with several refrigerators in which different temperatures will be maintained; cash register; as well as shop windows where medicines will be stored for which there is no need to create a special temperature.
Pharmacy businessCategories of drugs exist very much, and the more items your pharmacy has in stock, the better. The average number of items in a pharmacy is 2-2.5 thousand. In addition to drugs directly, the pharmacy should also have other medical products on sale: cosmetics and hygiene products, nutritional supplements and vitamins, various medical products and devices for diagnostics, baby food, children’s cosmetic preparations.
Since many drugs can be stored for a short period, it is worthwhile to competently organize the process of their purchase. When your pharmacy works for a period, it will become clear.