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Tchibo success story

Being a successful specialist in the field of retail sales means knowing exactly how to properly position a customer for a purchase. Atmosphere and aesthetics – these are the two main conditions on which the success of retail sales is based. Tchibo was able to correctly translate them into its activities, and deserved the title of one of the most successful companies in its niche. Originating 65 years ago, Tchibo still does not lose ground.
The founders of Tchibo are Karl Chilling-Garyan and Max Hertz, German businessmen. Within a few years after the company’s first steps, Karl and Max achieved that Tchibo enjoyed great demand as a supplier of various goods in Germany. Quality and reliability are the words that Tchibo customers described.
In the 50s of the last century, the first independent store appeared with a sign “Tchibo”, where, in addition to selling goods, there was also a tasting of coffee sorts. Then the history of the “coffee corporation” began, because we know Tchibo primarily as a coffee producer. Over the years, more and more branded stores appeared.
In the early 60s, the owners of the company implemented a new, subsequently very successful, idea. The concept was called shop-in-shop and was based on the fact that small coffee shops were opening inside bakeries and pastry shops. The idea was perceived “with a bang,” and the company rather quickly won the position of the best retailer of coffee to different groups of consumers.
In the following decades, the company has focused its efforts on integrating the position of the Tchibo brand in the minds of consumers through high-quality products and the same service. However, in order to concentrate their marketing activities, instead of the UK and the USA, the company chose countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Russia and Poland.
Tchibo success story Indeed, the West practically did not feel the efforts of Tchibo, which were particularly successful in 1997, when the company embodied the concept of “eCommerce” and engaged in active sales of coffee and other goods. At the turn of the millennia, the first store in London is being created. And cooperation with such large British chain stores, as Sainsburys and Somerfield, is paying off.
Perhaps today Tchibo would have been perceived somewhat differently in the UK if it had been producing an active marketing policy there much earlier. Many Britons used Nivea lotion, not even suspecting that this popular product was part of Tchibo.
Tchibo – an example of a grand brand promotion
From the outside, it may seem that knowledge of how to create, develop and root a brand is simply in the blood of Tchibo’s owners. So easily and quickly they did it. Now the company owns more than 40 thousand company stores in Germany and is a reputable supplier of goods for the general consumer.