How can an entrepreneur get rid of decadent thoughts?
1. Do not leave the production. If you turned your hobby into a business, and the company began to grow rapidly, you most likely do not have to do your…

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How to increase prices and not lose customers
Sometimes small companies find themselves in such situations when price increases are simply necessary for the business to survive. And then entrepreneurs face a problem: how to raise prices, and…

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Production of bio fireplaces as a business
There are three things that you can watch forever: how a person works, how water flows and how fire burns. For a long time fire remains for man the most…


Open a private detective agency
One of the most profitable areas of business experts now call the service industry. It includes detective work. Opening a detective agency does not necessarily require the presence of legal…



Tchibo success story

Being a successful specialist in the field of retail sales means knowing exactly how to properly position a customer for a purchase. Atmosphere and aesthetics – these are the two main conditions on which the success of retail sales is based. Tchibo was able to correctly translate them into its activities, and deserved the title of one of the most successful companies in its niche. Originating 65 years ago, Tchibo still does not lose ground. Continue reading

What you need to learn before becoming a businessman?
1. Time management. Many speak about it, but the most part of such people does not own this interesting skill at all. The essence of time management is to learn…


Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, it is impossible not to recognize that this company is truly revolutionary…
