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We open a shop for artists

Many people, who are just starting their first business, prefer ideas aimed at a wide audience of consumers. A business with a narrow specialization causes some fear and uncertainty that there will be a sufficient number of customers.
For example, opening a store for artists. One would immediately think that there are not so many artists, and such a business will not bring much profit. However, this is not at all the case. Even a highly specialized business can be a profitable start to your own business, since you know exactly who your client is and what he needs.
A store for artists, indeed, is aimed at a rather narrow circle of consumers, if as the latter we mean only professional craftsmen. However, in each city there are a lot of non-professional artists and just lovers of drawing in their free time. If you take the orientation also on them, then your potential client audience will significantly expand. Every person who paints pictures for sale or simply “creates” for himself and loved ones, requires certain artistic supplies – from canvases and albums to paints and pencils.
Situation in the market of “art” business
In the CIS countries, shops for artists or, as they are called, art shops, are quite rare. And if they are, they are usually small shops with a small assortment of goods. To many, the opening of art shops seems to be an unpromising business, however, it is worth looking at the forecasts of experts.
According to marketers, the market of art supplies in a few years will be at a new stage of development. The number of amateur artists who are potential clients of this niche business is increasing. With this regard, the number of stores of goods for drawing to increase several times.
Therefore, if you are interested in this type of business, you should think about opening an art shop right now, and then you will have the chance to become one of the most sought-after players in this market in your region.
Room and place
For a business to make a profit, you need a steady stream of customers. You can provide yourself with customers if your store will be located close to higher educational institutions of artistic profile, art studios, drawing courses. With this arrangement, you do not need an expensive advertising campaign – potential customers will see you and go to you.
The difficulty you may encounter at this stage is the cost of renting a room. Art schools and other educational institutions are often located in the city center or in prestigious areas, and the cost of renting premises there is usually high. An alternative could be the placement of an art shop on the territory of a large shopping center. The permeability of people in shopping centers is very high, so your potential customers will be among them anyway.
At the initial stage, quite a small area for the location of the store. And when you have already thoroughly studied the needs of your customers, and will know for sure which products are in the greatest demand, you can increase the premises to 150-250 square meters.
When opening a store, it is necessary to offer consumers the widest possible choice of goods. However, it is not worth purchasing everything and in large quantities – it is enough to have at least 4-5 copies of each product available. At the very beginning it is important to study consumers, to understand what they need. After a while, you will already know which pencils need to be purchased in large quantities, and which will be enough for several packs per week; which paint is popular and which is not.
The approximate range of art store looks like this:
Paints (acrylic, oil, watercolor, gouache).
Art pigments, airbrushes.
Paper, cardboard, albums (of different size and density).
Frames for paintings, stretchers.
Folders for sketches.
Varnishes, thinners, thinners.
Palettes, canvases.
The pencils.
Accessories (art boxes, paint cans, squeezers for tubes, sistemojki, containers).
Try to constantly offer your visitors new items on the market of art goods. In modern art, there are new directions and techniques for which we need certain sets of products. For example, the technique of “mistaken” is to draw pictures of different dried plants. Why not replenish the range of products with sets to create such paintings? Among creative people, there will definitely be those who are interested in this.
We open a shop for artists
It is unlikely that someone will visually remember a store without a “zest” that looks dull and dull. Store products for creativity and should look “creative.” Therefore, place on the wall reproductions of famous paintings by world artists. Decorate the store with any unusual drawings or handicrafts.