How to earn more
Ask yourself: rich man - what is he? Of course, many will answer that a rich person is a purposeful, determined, strong-willed person. However, there is the most accurate definition:…

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Flower Shop Business Plan
Opening a flower shop is a beautiful and sophisticated business. After all, every day you will have to deal with all this fragrant beauty! Yes, and this business can be…

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How to make a client a fan of the company?
The Pareto rule in sales works no less efficiently than in other areas. It has long been proven that 20% of the most loyal and loyal customers give 80% of…


How to open a real estate agency
Now more and more people are willing to work for themselves. Many are convinced that only own business will help to become financially independent and bring high material income. One…


tension happen

The craziest business ideas

A bit away from adequate ideas, and talk about crazy business ideas. On earth there are many original, creative personalities. Most often, they realize their unusual view of the world in art, inventions and, oddly enough, in business. Other people may call their ideas “absurd, devoid of any meaning and completely frivolous.”
Nevertheless, the business ideas, which we will discuss later, were successfully implemented and brought to their authors a certain income. So maybe these ideas were not so absurd?
1. Tattoos on the teeth. Continue reading

What you need to learn before becoming a businessman?
1. Time management. Many speak about it, but the most part of such people does not own this interesting skill at all. The essence of time management is to learn…


How to make money on photos on the Internet
The technique that you will use is a camera, even an ordinary digital one with a pixel count of 5 or more is fine. But if you have a professional…
