What you need to learn before becoming a businessman?
1. Time management. Many speak about it, but the most part of such people does not own this interesting skill at all. The essence of time management is to learn…

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What you need to learn before becoming a businessman?
1. Time management. Many speak about it, but the most part of such people does not own this interesting skill at all. The essence of time management is to learn…

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How to sell a business
For many people, a “do-it-yourself” business is an integral part of their life, and the idea that an enterprise can move on to another owner leads them into serious confusion.…


Word of mouth marketing. How to make you talk
How to ensure your company a stunning success and popularity without spending a penny on advertising? How to make customers tell all your friends, acquaintances and even passersby about you?…


very important

Does business need a blog?

A blog is an online diary (or as it is sometimes called, a journal) in which some records, thoughts, articles, and multimedia files are constantly added. Compared to a regular diary, a blog is more open to the online community.
Many offline companies come to the question “Does my company need a blog?”. The answer is unequivocal – yes, we need it. The Internet is becoming more and more common among residents of all countries every day, and more and more of your customers are looking for information on the Internet. Continue reading