How to open a gift shop
Today we will talk about how to open your gift shop and souvenirs. What are the advantages of this business? First, the type of goods. Any souvenir and gift products…

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Success Lessons from Henry Ford
1. Serve others. “A business absolutely dedicated to services will have a slight concern for profit. It will be indecently big. ” The secret to success is serving others. All…

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How to reduce the cost of contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords
Contextual advertising is a quick way to get customers from the Internet. This method really works and effectively drives traffic, leads and sales, regardless of whether you have a startup…


The craziest business ideas
A bit away from adequate ideas, and talk about crazy business ideas. On earth there are many original, creative personalities. Most often, they realize their unusual view of the world…


several procedures

How to increase prices and not lose customers

Sometimes small companies find themselves in such situations when price increases are simply necessary for the business to survive. And then entrepreneurs face a problem: how to raise prices, and not scare customers away? In this case, it is extremely dangerous to make hasty decisions. Price increase should be carried out correctly.
We have collected recommendations from experienced businessmen who will teach you how to properly raise the prices of your goods or services, and not to lose customer loyalty.
Correct price increase Continue reading