How to make a client a fan of the company?
The Pareto rule in sales works no less efficiently than in other areas. It has long been proven that 20% of the most loyal and loyal customers give 80% of…

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Success Lessons from Henry Ford
1. Serve others. “A business absolutely dedicated to services will have a slight concern for profit. It will be indecently big. ” The secret to success is serving others. All…

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Word of mouth marketing. How to make you talk
How to ensure your company a stunning success and popularity without spending a penny on advertising? How to make customers tell all your friends, acquaintances and even passersby about you?…


Production of bio fireplaces as a business
There are three things that you can watch forever: how a person works, how water flows and how fire burns. For a long time fire remains for man the most…


net profit

How to calculate the profitability of the enterprise

Being engaged in business, it is important to understand how your activity is effective. It is impossible to determine by this profit margin alone. After all, in order to make a profit, you must first use any resources, be it money, equipment, and so on. Therefore, what you invest, also can not be discounted. The profitability index takes into account both profits and costs, so with its help you can most accurately determine how efficient your business is.
Enterprise profitability Continue reading