How to sell a business
For many people, a “do-it-yourself” business is an integral part of their life, and the idea that an enterprise can move on to another owner leads them into serious confusion.…

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Business ideas for the New Year
1. Sale and rental of Christmas trees. This business idea is very profitable, although it is associated with huge competition. Since mid-December, Christmas trees are sold at almost every step.…

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How to increase prices and not lose customers
Sometimes small companies find themselves in such situations when price increases are simply necessary for the business to survive. And then entrepreneurs face a problem: how to raise prices, and…


How to open a real estate agency
Now more and more people are willing to work for themselves. Many are convinced that only own business will help to become financially independent and bring high material income. One…



How to open a real estate agency

Now more and more people are willing to work for themselves. Many are convinced that only own business will help to become financially independent and bring high material income. One of the options for starting your own business is a real estate agency. This business is fraught with certain risks, and therefore not everyone dares to start it. However, it was and remains one of the most attractive in terms of prospects and profitability.
At the initial stage of a business, there are always questions that worry the entrepreneur and even inspire some uncertainty about whether he is doing the right thing. “Is it profitable to open a real estate agency?”, “How to start a real estate business?”, “How not to burn out at the very beginning?” Continue reading