Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, it is impossible not to recognize that this company is truly revolutionary…

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What you need to learn before becoming a businessman?
1. Time management. Many speak about it, but the most part of such people does not own this interesting skill at all. The essence of time management is to learn…

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How to open a real estate agency
Now more and more people are willing to work for themselves. Many are convinced that only own business will help to become financially independent and bring high material income. One…


Recommendations wishing to get rich from investor Warren Buffett
1. Reinvest profits When you earn a lot of money first, you might be tempted to spend it. Do not do that. Better put them in a business that seems…


lending has

Business in a crisis

Due to the unstable economic situation, many enterprises are now in crisis. If it is not so strongly reflected in the large world companies, then the crisis brings to the representatives of small and medium business a lot of problems and difficulties. Many entrepreneurs panic, some even think about closing a business.
Of course, doing business in a crisis is not an easy thing, and here you have to be prudent, attentive and calculating. But putting an end to your enterprise ahead of time is not worth it. How to keep a small business in a crisis and always stay afloat – this is our advice further. Continue reading

Foreign crowdfunding platforms
Now, in order to start a business, first of all, money is needed. Of course, a great idea and thought-out technology of its implementation are also necessary things, but a…


Foreign crowdfunding platforms
Now, in order to start a business, first of all, money is needed. Of course, a great idea and thought-out technology of its implementation are also necessary things, but a…
