How to sell a business
For many people, a “do-it-yourself” business is an integral part of their life, and the idea that an enterprise can move on to another owner leads them into serious confusion.…

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How to advertise a small business on the Internet?
Small business due to limited resources and specialized knowledge often approaches the Internet promotion haphazardly. Some create a beautiful landing page, others focus on the site, others due to lack…

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How to raise sales
Sell ​​not the properties, but the benefits of your product. "People buy things not for the sake of the things themselves, but for the sake of what these things give…


Success Lessons from Henry Ford
1. Serve others. “A business absolutely dedicated to services will have a slight concern for profit. It will be indecently big. ” The secret to success is serving others. All…


business formats

Confectionery business: mini-pastry shop at home

For some reason, in our society there is an opinion that your business is expensive, difficult and long, and not everyone can do it. Of course, there is some truth in this. But this does not mean that if you do not have a lot of money to invest in your business, or specific knowledge, or time to prepare, then you will not be able to start your own business. There are some business formats that virtually eliminate all these difficulties. Take, for example, the restaurant business. He is considered one of the most time consuming. Premises, grocery purchases, recipes, customer service … It’s all very difficult, especially for a beginner. Continue reading

How to calculate the profitability of the enterprise
Being engaged in business, it is important to understand how your activity is effective. It is impossible to determine by this profit margin alone. After all, in order to make…


Apple's Secrets
Apple is one of those companies that are either loved up to fanaticism or show extreme skepticism. However, it is impossible not to recognize that this company is truly revolutionary…
