Does business need a blog?
A blog is an online diary (or as it is sometimes called, a journal) in which some records, thoughts, articles, and multimedia files are constantly added. Compared to a regular…

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Word of mouth marketing. How to make you talk
How to ensure your company a stunning success and popularity without spending a penny on advertising? How to make customers tell all your friends, acquaintances and even passersby about you?…

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How to sell a business
For many people, a “do-it-yourself” business is an integral part of their life, and the idea that an enterprise can move on to another owner leads them into serious confusion.…


How to make money on photos on the Internet
The technique that you will use is a camera, even an ordinary digital one with a pixel count of 5 or more is fine. But if you have a professional…



Where to get ideas for startups?

1. Live in the future
Be on the tip of MacBook Eyra. Use what yesterday did not exist. Read about new inventions. Think about the products for the new generation.
The future is for wearable gadgets, cutting-edge machines, DNA tests and materials as thick as an atom. What products and services should arise around such pieces?
Think about change, ending the sentence “If you are in the future …”: for example, “if you are in the future, all cars are electric” or “if you are in the future, no one uses cash”. And then create a company with which it will come true. Continue reading

How to make a client a fan of the company?

The Pareto rule in sales works no less efficiently than in other areas. It has long been proven that 20% of the most loyal and loyal customers give 80% of the company’s profits, and the remaining 80% of customers – only 20% of the profits. However, most business owners, sales managers and sales professionals are working hard to increase the second 80% of customers, while it is worthwhile to concentrate on the first 20%. This article will discuss how to work with clients so that they become your loyal fans and gradually increase the number of the first 20%, and, consequently, the volume of 80% of the profits.If you are responsible for sales in your company, or for business development, then the tricks that you will learn from this article is the shortest way to take your company to another level and achieve the revolutions that were planned. Continue reading

Production of bio fireplaces as a business
There are three things that you can watch forever: how a person works, how water flows and how fire burns. For a long time fire remains for man the most…


Seven criteria for an ideal business niche
1. "High Resolution" Here we are talking about your “resolution” in this niche, that is, about your level of understanding, your experience, knowledge. For example, if you enjoy your entire…
